Switch Agent Installation

Prerequisite Steps

Nvidia Cumulus Linux Devices

Requirements: * Fresh install of Cumulus Linux v. 3.7.(x) - Cumulus 4.X is in the process of validation and will be supported in the next Netris release.

Configure the OOB Management IP address

Configure internet connectivity via management port.

sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        address <management IP address/prefix length>
        gateway <gateway of management network>
        dns-nameserver <dns server>

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
sudo ifreload -a

Configure Nvidia Cumulus Linux License

sudo cl-license -i

Copy/paste the Cumulus Linux license string then press ctrl-d.

Continue to “Install the Netris Agent” section.

Ubuntu SwitchDev Devices


Further installation requires a Console and Internet connectivity via management port!

  1. NOS Uninstall

Uninstall current NOS using Uninstall OS from grub menu:


Once the uninstallation is completed, the switch will reboot automatically.

  1. Update ONIE

Select Update ONIE from grub menu:


In case you don’t have DHCP in the management network, then stop ONIE discovery service and configure IP address and default gateway manually:

ip addr add <management IP address/prefix> dev eth0
ip route add default via <gateway of management network>
echo "nameserver <dns server>" > /etc/resolv.conf

Update ONIE to the supported version.


ONIE image available for Mellanox switches only!

onie-self-update http://downloads.netris.ai/onie-updater-x86_64-mlnx_x86-r0
  1. NOS Install

Select Install OS from grub menu:


In case you don’t have DHCP in the management network, then stop ONIE discovery service and configure IP address and default gateway manually:

ip addr add <management IP address/prefix> dev eth0
ip route add default via <gateway of management network>
echo "nameserver <dns server>" > /etc/resolv.conf

Install Ubuntu-SwitchDev from the Netris custom image:

onie-nos-install http://downloads.netris.ai/netris-ubuntu-18.04.1.bin

Default username/password


Configure the OOB Management IP address

Configure internet connectivity via management port.

sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        address <management IP address/prefix length>
        gateway <gateway of management network>
        dns-nameserver <dns server>

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
sudo ifreload -a

Continue to “Install the Netris Agent” section.

EdgeCore SONiC Devices


Further installation requires a Console and Internet connectivity via management port!

  1. NOS Uninstall

Uninstall current NOS using Uninstall OS from grub menu:


Once the uninstallation is completed, the switch will reboot automatically.

  1. NOS Install

Select Install OS from grub menu:


In case you don’t have DHCP in the management network, then stop ONIE discovery service and configure IP address and default gateway manually:

ip addr add <management IP address/prefix> dev eth0
ip route add default via <gateway of management network>
echo "nameserver <dns server>" > /etc/resolv.conf

Install EdgeCore SONiC image from the Netris repository:

onie-nos-install http://downloads.netris.ai/Edgecore-SONiC_20211125_074752_ec202012_227.bin

Default username/password


Configure the OOB Management IP address

Disable Zero Touch Provisioning for time being.

ztp disable -y


This will take some time, please be patient.

Configure internet connectivity via management port.

ip addr add <management IP address/prefix> dev eth0
ip route add default via <gateway of management network>
echo "nameserver <dns server>" > /etc/resolv.conf

Continue to “Install the Netris Agent” section.

Install the Netris Agent

  1. Add the Switch in the controller Inventory. Detailed configuration documentation is available here: “Adding Switches”

  2. Once the Switch is created in the Inventory, click on three vertical dots (⋮) on the right side on the Switch and select the Install Agent option

  3. Copy the agent install command to your clipboard and run the command on the Switch

  4. Reboot the Switch when the installation completes

sudo reboot

Once the switch boots up you should see its heartbeat going from Critical to OK in Net→Inventory, Telescope→Dashboard, and switch color will reflect its health in Net→Topology

Screenshot: Net→Inventory
