SoftGate Installation¶
Minimum Hardware Requirements¶
8 physical CPU cores
300 GB HDD
Install the Netris Agent¶
Requires freshly installed Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS and internet connectivity configured from netplan via management port.
Add the SoftGate in the controller Inventory or Topology section. Detailed configuration documentation is available here: “Adding SoftGates”.
Once the SoftGate is created, navigate to the Inventory section, click the three vertical dots (⋮) on the right side of the newly created SoftGate and select the Install Agent option.
Copy the agent install line to your clipboard and run it on the SoftGate as an ordinary user.
When the installation is complete, review the ifupdown configuration file and verify that the presented configuration corresponds to what you configured during OS installation (the file is generated based on your initial netplan configuration).
If the Netris Controller is not in the same OOB network then it is required to add a route to Netris Controller. No default route or other IP addresses should be configured.
For proper operation of SoftGate, it is required to configure a bond interface. Please have a look at the example configuration below.
user@host:~$ sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The management network interface
auto ensZ
iface ensZ inet static
address <Management IP address/prefix length>
up ip route add <Controller address> via <Management network gateway> # Pleasedelete this line if Netris Controller is located in the same network with the SoftGate node.
gateway <Gateway IP address>
# First Softgate Interface
auto ensX # Please replace the ensX with the actual interface name present in the OS.
iface ensX inet static # Please replace the ensX with the actual interface name present in the OS.
# Second Softgate Interface # This interface is optional
auto ensY # Please replace the ensY with the actual interface name present in the OS.
iface ensY inet static # Please replace the ensY with the actual interface name present in the OS.
# Bond interface
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
bond-slaves ensX ensY # Please replace the ensX/Y with actual interface names present in the OS.
bond-mode active-backup # Optional, please adjust the bonding mode according to the desired functionality.
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
If everything seems ok, please remove/comment the Gateway line and save the file.
Please do not configure any additional IP addresses other than those described in the example above. The further configuration will be performed by the Netris agent.
Reboot the SoftGate
user@host:~$ sudo reboot
Once the server boots up, you should see its heartbeat going from Critical to OK in Net→Inventory, Telescope→Dashboard, and the SoftGate color will reflect its health in Net→Topology.